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Eska has been producing fuses and fuse-links for more than 50 years in Kassel, taking pride in their “Made in Germany” products. Part of Eska’s fully automatic production includes the assembly of devices by user-specific demands. Approvals like VDE, Semko and UL, are self-evident in Eska’s products. Quality-Management-System DIN EN ISO 9001:2000 by VDE, provides certification to quality and assurance for Eska’s customers.

ESKA offers an assortment of SMD-fuses, sub-miniature-fuses, resettable fuses (PTC-fuses), temperature-fuses and NTC’s, to a competitive market which is always developing. You will also find products from the English company Bulgin, which produces connectors, polysnaps, switches and battery-holders.

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    Contact us or give us a call to discover how we can help you with our services, products and company partners.