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30 years of professional experiences in LED R&D has made EVERLIGHT a key player in the global LED industry. Nearly 30 years of strength developed in the LED industry allows us bring together a professional, customer-oriented team specialized in R&D, sales and marketing. We are fully capable of developing comprehensive solutions for your applications.

EVERLIGHT Electronics Co., Ltd. was founded in 1983 in Taipei, Taiwan led by Chairman Robert Yeh. EVERLIGHT has over 33 years of R&D experience for reliable capability. With immediate service and an excellent brand reputation, EVERLIGHT has taken top five worldwide in the competitive LED market. Our products are manufactured and packed in-house to guarantee maximum quality and service. EVERLIGHT provides a diverse product portfolio consisting of High Power LEDs, SMD LEDs, Lamps, Lighting Components, LED Lighting Modules, Digital Displays, Opto-couplers and Infrared Components for various applications. Today, EVERLIGHT is a global company with over 6,400 employees based in China, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, India, Germany and U.S.A.

Everlight Electronics has always placed customer satisfaction as its top priority. We are constantly working on improving production procedures, productivity, production flexibility, and manufacturing efficiency.

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    Contact us or give us a call to discover how we can help you with our services, products and company partners.