Fans for Air Cooling
Why use Fans for Air Cooling?
Improve the performance of your air cooled thermal management solution by increasing air flow and heat transfer with fans or blowers. When ambient environment or natural convection cooling cannot sustain enough heat transfer for higher power applications, fans and forced air convection cooling are designed to manipulate this environment. Increased airflow to forced convection heat sinks enable engineers to dissipate more heat load within a similar volume.
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Boyd’s Extreme Air Cooling
Boyd’s expertise in maximizing the effectiveness of air cooling includes our ability to customize design high performance fans to meet demanding application requirements. We’re able to customize impeller and housing geometry as well motor construction and controller options like speeds, voltages, and function types and supporting solutions to manage, minimize or control acoustics and vibration. Boyd’s advanced design and analytics team paired with our comprehensive manufacturing and test facilities produce higher flow rates while minimizing acoustics and vibration, allowing customers additional system design flexibility.