GMKP Outdoor/Pole Mounting Low Voltage Tube Power Capacitors

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FRANKE GMKP  low voltage capacitor are usually three & single phase power capacitors with a high capacitance rating and conform to IEC60831 /En60831,GMKP tube capacitors in cylindrical aluminum cases were new designed for power factor correction as well as for the power filter application in outdoor (like pole mounting).


  • Automatic power factor correction (PFC) and capacitor banks
  • Fixed power factor corrections individual (e.g. motor, transformers, lighting, etc)
  • Group fixed power factor correction (several equipments connected in a group)
  • Capacitor banks of tuned and detuned.
  • Harmonic trap applications (e.g. UPS, frequency drives and converters, etc)


  • Dry technology
  • Non-flammable
  • Touch-proof terminal
  • Maintenance free     
  • Easy disposal         
  • Reduced mounting cost 
  • Excellent self -healing   
  • Internal discharge   
  • Environmentally friendly.

Double electric safety system

Overpressure-disconnector system and overcurrent -disconnector system:these prevents the capacitor from bursting at the end of its useful life or through electrical or thermal overload/harmonics

Long useful life 

Extended useful life of 100,000.00 operation hours in the normal system by the technology of high vacuum/inrush current test to the elements and FRANKE GMKP’s special production process control.

High inrush current ability

GMKP  capacitors can easily handle inrush current of up to 200 times rates current.