Three Phase Four Line Capacitors, 50/60HZ, Series SPGL-3/4

Double protection of over pressure & over currect,internal discharge system,one form capacitor cane,self-healing & long useful life.

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Features: one-piece capacitor for both single phase and three phase compensation,double protection of over pressure & over currect,internal discharge system,one form capacitor cane,self-healing & long useful life.

Power Rate: 5 to 30Kvar
Voltage Scope: 100 to 480V
Voltage Rate: 230V,400V,440V,480V
Over Voltage: Un10%,Un15%,Un30%
Over Current: 1.3 In,1.5In,1.8In
Power Losses: less 0.2W/Kvar
Tolerance: +5%Cn to -5%Cn
Discharge: less 50V within 3 min.
Protection: over pressure
Operation: -25D,2500M Alt.,95% Hrel.IP20
Life Expectancy: 100000.00 to 150000.00 hours.
Standard: IEC831-1(2)/EN831-1(2),VED0560