Image Sensor Dual DIP Socket
Andon Electronics has developed a multi-functional socket for the Kodak Image Sensor, KAI-08050, using our unique Senstac™ contact specifically designed for image sensor devices. Andon sockets provide high reliability.
LCC Sockets
Reduce handling and ESD. Reduce Cost of PCB assembly for contract assemblers. Protect Sensors and color array from soldering temperatures and cleaning solution damage.
Ultra-Low Profile Carrier Sockets
Hi-Reliability Ultra Low Profile Carrier Socket Assemblies
About US
Andon Electronics makes precision sockets used in the placement of image sensors, optoelectronic and gas sensors, power converters, batteries, crystal oscillators, fuses, relays, and other electronic devices onto PC boards.
- Device damage from exposure to high temp solder, ESD, and cleaning solutions.
- Solder joint cracking and associated intermittency
The labor and PC board damage associated with de-soldering a faulty device. - Holding up PCB assembly until the devices arrive.
- Device performance degradation due to excessive heat and noise.
John O. Tate, Andon President, pioneered many of the innovative, high-reliability interconnects for military, aerospace and commercial applications that have become industry standards. In 1965, he developed the stamped and formed multi-finger precision socket contact, which remains the preferred method throughout the world for connecting today’s critical components.
Standard and custom sockets are available for a variety of package outlines including PGAs, BGAs, CLCCs, PLCCs, TOs, DIPs, SIPs, LEDs, and more.