
Johanson Technology’s new “GBBL” microwave broadband capacitors feature high capacitance per case size without sacrificing the temperature stability associated with high dielectric constant materials. GBBL broadband capacitors feature a proprietary X7R composition which is manufactured by a two step, atmospheric controlled sintering process. The resulting microstructure is composed of a conducting titanate ceramic grain in contact with an insulating Grain Boundary Layer (GBBL). The insulating boundary layer acts as a very thin dielectric. The process control of the boundary thickness, in conjunction with the conductive grain size, provides the cumulative effect of a very high, yet stable, dielectric constant.

Key Features:

  • GBBL Dielectric Yields High Volumetric Efficiency
  • Stable Temperature Coefficient: ±15% Max (-55°C to 125°C)
  • Reduced Microphonics
  • Offered With or Without Borders
  • Thin Film TiW/Au or TiW/Ni/Au Electrodes
  • RoHS

Custom sizes are available – Consult Factory. gbbl broadband single layer capacitors and typical comparison