

The MVT3000D series of temperature sensors offer high accuracy temperature measurements over a wide temperature range with micro-watt levels of power consumption. These highly miniaturized smart sensors are fully calibrated and provide standard digital outputs to enable plug-and-play integration.


  • Temperature accuracy

    ±1.5% RH typ. (10%RH to 90%RH, 25ºC)

  • Temperature accuracy

    ±0.2°C typ. (-10°C to +80°C)

  • Relative humidity response time

    4 sec. typ.

  • Supply voltage range

    +1.8 to +5.5 V

  • Current consumption

    As low as 1.0 µA (8-bit, 1 RH+T/s)

  • Form-factor

    3 × 2.4 × 0.8 mm

  • Digital Interface


  • Datasheet (MVH3201D)